
Morton Downey, Jr. (Blowhards

MDJ zipped it for good back in 2001. But just to carry on the tradition set forth by my Wally George post from a few turns back, here’s one more grand piece of crap courtesy of yet another guy surrounded by drooling yes men in the 1980’s.

dig those crazy fake chicklets!

Leading things off is Mort’s ode/warning to the scourge of the civilized world, the drug dealer. And who could disagree? (Perhaps a pablum puking liberal?) But alas, it seemed to escape Mort’s airtight logic that nicotine IS A FREAKIN’ DRUG! And sad to say, the BIG ‘C’ took Mort out O’ these 6 years ago.

The young turk version of MDJ with another infamous Dick

And what else could be the big closer other than his signature catch phrase "ZIP IT!"? But I must say, even for a hasty thrown together piece of kitchy Reagen era  money-grab junk, this "song" truly sucks in a very special, original way. It sounds and feels like it was structured by an autistic carnival worker – (no offense to the carnival workers of the world).

(Anybody know if Limbaugh cut an album?)

Hey Mr. Dealer

Zip It!