My family rules. Not only have we gotten to the point where we don’t even get presents for each other, but it’s the law. I love it. I don’t have my mom desperately trying to find weird out of print records for me. My sisters don’t scrounge on Amazon for books. The wife got a puppy and an expensive sofa for Christmas this year, so there’s a bit of pressure off my back….

And once a year I don a Santa costume that’s doused in cheap booze and cologne, chew a ceegar and go by the name "Asshole Santa". I’m doing it on Saturday December 16 at Criminal Records in Atlanta. Come on down and get a holiday card worth putting on your worthless photo page on myspace, you trendy follower of irony.
And on that note, below is my favorite Christmas song ever. Thanks to my long, lost friend Teasley for this. Ho! Ho! Huh?
The second mp3 was donated by Billy at Shake It and it’s an undeniably horrifying track from the mid-60’s.
Oh Holy Shit!
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Little Becky
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