To call this last week a "recovery" from the 13th anniversary is a joke. No sooner did the thing end than I had a movie crew to shuttle around for a day for this Rye Coalition movie coming out. Then they left and the in-laws showed up 2 hours later. That was fun. I got to take them to IKEA for the first time. After that, I decided to put the remaining Chunklet 13th stock for sale. In 24 hours I got 175 orders! By week’s end, I got double that. The local post office hates me right now. I’m still in a fog. Still photos and mp3s to post from the past weekend, still orders to fill and then there’s this thing I have called a "Life" somewhere in the mix. More later.
One thing though….. The Zach Galifianakis shirts are going to their rightful owner on Tuesday morning as UPS picks them up to deliver the boxes to Mr. G in Virginia and the Patton/Melvins split is all but gone. I strongly urge getting these now before I have to delete your tardy request for these items after I told you to get on it. Cool?
And in case you’ve ever wondered if you should get 300 car air fresheners made with the aroma spice, don’t even consider it. My car reeks right now only because I refuse to bring the box into the house. What the hell was I thinking?
Laughing Hyenas – Everything I Want
Audio Player
Laughing Hyenas – Here We Go Again
Audio Player
Laughing Hyenas – Life Of Crime
Audio Player
Laughing Hyenas – New Gospel
Audio Player