
Good Guys Win in 2007!

So I’ve been culling together my "Best of 2006" lists for the three or four people that ask every year. Quick to come to my head are Major Stars Synoptikon, Mastodon Blood Mountain and Harvey Milk Special Wishes. There’s a slew more, but holy cow, the early part of 2007 is already stacking up nicely.

Straight from Mr. Pharmacist himself

Again, off the top of my head, The Fatal Flying Guiloteens, Shellac and Les Savy Fav have records coming out around SXSW. I’ve been lucky enough to hear the new records by The Shins (it totally kills) and Big Business (a Hydrahead masterpiece if there ever was one), and then low and behold, I go to see the Ted Leo/Death Cab extravaganza and Mr. Leo throws his new record in my mitts. Recorded by Brendan Canty (who knocked out another impressive record with The Thermals The Body The Blood The Machine this year) it’s a pretty ballsy record, but that’s what we’ve come to expect from Mr. Leo. And I’m hoping my ears aren’t playing tricks with me, but I could’ve sworn I heard a Crass cover about half way thru the album. Crass? Jesus, nice one, Ted. That makes me feel less than totally old. [Upon discussing this with Mr. Leo, I was totally wrong…..keeping this though to make me look bad.] But while I’m on the subject of things that make me feel old, why do I think of Jeff Clayton from the AntiSeen when I see Ted Leo’s bloody forehead after his show?

Mark my words, 2007 will be the Year of the Ted.

Ted Leo – Shake The Sheets (Atlanta ’04)
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Ted Leo – live (Atlanta ’04)
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Ted Leo – live (Atlanta ’04)
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Ted Leo – live (Atlanta ’04)
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Ted Leo – live (Atlanta ’04)
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Ted Leo – live (Atlanta ’04)
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Ted Leo – live (Atlanta ’04)
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