So I’m never one to make this website a place for charity, but I feel really strongly about this, so please take this seriously.
Here in Atlanta, there’s a guy named Bobby that’s in the final stages of his battle with cancer. I’ve known this cat for years. Years. And has never been anything but a sweet, fun, awesome guy. Read the whole story here.
So with that out of the way, now there’s the not-so-delicate point of telling you that neither he nor his family are rich. Furthermore, everybody in town wants to abide by his dying wish which is to have a "green funeral" near Conyers which’ll cost around four to five grand. I know, dying ain’t cheap.
Anyway, if you’ve ever cared about the Atlanta music scene, please donate. If you’ve ever bought a Lids album, please donate. If you wonder why Deerhunter, Carbonas, Black Lips and every other band in town cares about BJ’s well being, please donate. Even if you have only a few dollars to contribute, please donate.
Paypal funds are easy and remind me a lot of play money because you never really miss it if it was never in your pocket, so what are you waiting for? Send paypal funds to and we can all bury BJ together.
That is all.
(Addendum: A reprint of "UBANGI" t-shirts are available on ebay with all profits going straight to BJ. Click here.)
*UPDATE (from 5JUL09): Due to overwhelming generosity, we have achieved Beej’s funeral expenses. So unless you’d like to contribute to the hospice that took care of him in his final days, we willrespectfully decline future donations.
(Postscript: Criminal Records has offered an mp3 of Bobby and the Midnights performing at the store which you can download below.)
Bobby And The Midnights – Can’t Get Her Off (Of My Mind)