
Knodel – The s/t & 1985 EP

The late 90’s were kind of a blur to me. Mail and email were keeping neck and neck and there was never a lack of people turning me onto new artists. In addition to this, I was booking a club here in Atlanta five nights a week and working for an ad agency during the day. So yeah, I was burning it at both ends. And really, it was kind of a blast.

Jonathan Kreinik (Trans Am’s touring sound man and studio engineer) told me repeatedly to check out this band that had been at his studio recently…and well, that band was Knodel. Knodel was one of those bands that at the time I was really excited about. It didn’t take very long for me to ask them if I could do a couple limited CD-R releases with them. Both in numbered editions of less than 200. And you know what? The EPs are still pretty darned great.

Okay, sure. The band was clearly geeky. Clearly aspiring to be those bands that they loved (Man or Astroman? and Trans Am come to mind). But man, doing Basic programming as lyrics for a song? Yeah, sign me up.

The first CD-R (edn of 100) was later paired up with more material to make up the 1985 EP which I still love listening to. It’s so late 90’s it hurts.

I was lucky enough to see the band perform once at the club I booked in Atlanta in ’99 (I’m thinking) opening for Man…or Astro-Man? and they were kind of a mess. Not bad. Just not that well formed. Then again, they were kids. I also remember their show as being the first time I saw VHS or Beta who, coincidentally (at least at the time), were mining the same musical terrain as Knodel. VHS and I were actually discussing releasing a record. I dodged that bullet.

Knodel went on to release a full length called "Black Hole" which I thought was an overwrought step backwards. Then again, maybe I’m just a softie when it comes to demos. They just come closer to what the band was doing.

I’m including the ten closest "songs" from the two CD-Rs on the site. However, if you want the entire shebang (in lossless format), just click here.

I’ve got a couple copies of these here. Want ’em? Email me and we can work something out.

Knodel – We’re Knodel
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Knodel – Knodel World
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Knodel – Knodel Dance Party
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Knodel – Milk of Mares
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Knodel – Black Hole
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Knodel – Tricky (Run DMC cover)
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Knodel – Yar’s Revenge
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Knodel – Basic/Mr. Scientist
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Knodel – Dance Factor
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Knodel – Do It
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