From reader James Bennett:
Many things about Mormon culture are regrettable, look no further than Mitt Romney to understand that. One great thing about Mormons is their complete inability to adapt. Case in point, a mormon take on rap, as recorded by the Walter & Hays Band in 1988. Though I never had a copy of the cassette, I think every single mormon kid in junior high heard it somewhere. The band was made up of several balding, older gentlemen trying to take advantage of the rap music "fad". I remember some bad cover art, and far too many mentions of copyright.
At Eastside Records in the mid 90’s, Bob Schriner [Chunklet contributor –ed] and I rediscovered the cassette, and would play it whenever we wanted to make skinheads leave the store. For lyrics click here….
If for some reason you want a copy, try here.
Thanks, James! I found this video in a quick search on youtube. Very, um…..something.
Walter & Hays Band – Mormon Rap