
…And After All Those Years Of Clean Livin’…Who’da Thunk?

He treated women like absolute dog shit, he treated his body like the floor of a movie theater, charged concert goers $200 to see him and now we mourn the death of this legend turned cartoon character. God bless James Brown’s career, but who will take his place?

James Brown – Sonya Live
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FOX Sports Writer Mistaken For Positive Force Member

What? He couldn’t cram in Nation of Ulysses, Ignition or Jenny Toomey?

Directly from FOX sports:
23. Redskins: It’s no surprise that there’s some unrest among the Redskins fans. They put all their eggs in the Joe Gibbs basket, and the faith was not rewarded. I’m sure Daniel Snyder will try to solve the problem by throwing money at more free agents; it’s one of the NFL’s most predictable rites of spring. Which overrated wide receiver will the Redskins embrace this year? I shudder to think. Look at the make-up of this team, and you’ll realize that the Redskins will always be a minor threat unless they can build some depth. There’s really only one word to describe this franchise right now: fugazi.

Thanks to Ned for this.

Top 10 of 2006

Start listing them…. Chunklet’s will be posted aroud New Year’s.

Comedians of Comedy – Troubadour Night One

You know, I remember the first Comedians of Comedy show at the El Rey being the World Series of Comedy, so I don’t know what to call this show. What? The Super Bowl of the World Series of the Cream of the Comedy Crop Mega-Blowout something or other? God damn, two nights of unparalleled hilarity. So much to go through, but anybody who follows stand-up with any sort of interest will know the names the second they’re mentioned.

Brian and his “freshies” for the first night

The core of past CoC tours were on the bill (Patton, Posehn, Bamford, Zach G., and Eugene), but the add-ons were just jaw-dropping. David Cross and Jon Benjamin, Bob Odenkirk, Morgan Murphy, Blaine Capatch and Doug Benson filled out the show and it clocked in at around 3 hours. Zach’s "Tomorrow" bit completely destroyed and (again) looked like Rip Taylor’s pockets were emptied on the stage.

Brian, Maria, Bob Odenkirk & Eugene backstage at the Troub

I guess I should mention that this was all being filmed for some DVD release of some kind. Not sure who’s putting it out, but it’ll be out by summer (or so I’ve been told).

The L’il Guy and his lovely wife Michelle

Memories of ATP’s gone by…

I got this photo earlier today and totally forgot about the duck feast that Les Savy Fav cooked for everybody at the old ATP location at Pontin’s in Rye. Ah, I get misty just thinkin’ about it.

photo by Harrison Haynes

Help The Robbins

I promise to write a more lengthy plea for this when I get back, but I count Jay Robbins as a great old friend of mine. Although many of you  will remember him from Jawbox and Burning Airlines, he moved to Baltimore a few years back and set up a home with Janet Morgan (former Southern Records employee) and 8 months ago had a baby named Cal. Recently, Cal was diagnosed with Type 1 Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Reading about it when I woke up this morning absolutely broke my heart. And it breaks my heart even more that such awesome folk as Jay and Janet are having to resort to this, but they need your help. Obviously their health insurance won’t cover Cal’s mounting doctor bills and seeing as how you, dear reader, probably have enough left over money in your paypal account to actually make a difference, I urge you to go and help Jay, Janet and Cal RIGHT NOW! I’ll blabber more about this later (probably most about how horrible it is that there’s not national health care), but I must cut this short. Seriously, go give them money you were going to spend on that overpriced record or Nintendo Wii immediately.

Cal Robbins, 8 months

Christmas Can Bite It!

My family rules. Not only have we gotten to the point where we don’t even get presents for each other, but it’s the law. I love it. I don’t have my mom desperately trying to find weird out of print records for me. My sisters don’t scrounge on Amazon for books. The wife got a puppy and an expensive sofa for Christmas this year, so there’s a bit of pressure off my back….

Asshole Santa

And once a year I don a Santa costume that’s doused in cheap booze and cologne, chew a ceegar and go by the name "Asshole Santa". I’m doing it on Saturday December 16 at Criminal Records in Atlanta. Come on down and get a holiday card worth putting on your worthless photo page on myspace, you trendy follower of irony.

And on that note, below is my favorite Christmas song ever. Thanks to my long, lost friend Teasley for this. Ho! Ho! Huh?

The second mp3 was donated by Billy at Shake It and it’s an undeniably horrifying track from the mid-60’s.

Oh Holy Shit!
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Little Becky
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I Got Gramminated!

Can you believe it? Here’s the set if’n you wanna buy it.

And yes, I’m trademarking "Grammination". At least I know where I’ll be on February 11th.