
Things I Miss While On Tour

This is R.E.M. playing “End of The World” at the 40 Watt on Tuesday with (what looks like) folks from Drive By Truckers, Now It’s Overhead and Pylon.

photo by Chris Bilheimer

It’s bad enough that I missed T&G25 (and that my intro wasn’t used) but this just adds insult to injury. At least it was at the 40 Watt. God, I love that room.

Celtic Frost – live in NYC

The big question that Brian and I had for the days leading up to the show is to whether it’s pronounced "Kel-tic" (my pronunciation) or "Sell-tic" (the more traditional American pronuncation).

Celtic Frost, live at BB King’s on 42nd (photo by h2o)

There was a great black metal band called 1349 that opened. It’s been so long since I’ve seen a band actually perform with corpse paint on. I don’t know why, but I just find it funny. Not in a ha-ha sort of way, but in a "why bother?" sort of way.

Celtic Frost, live at BB King’s on 42nd (photo by h2o)

We then went to a bar called the Speckled Pig and ate with Brian’s buddies Scott Ian and his wife Pearl along with managers, agents and other folk that reaffirm as to why I live in Georgia. Oh, Sarah Silverman also asked me if I was a cop. I guess that was an interesting highlight, but really, I was just dead tired and wanted to hit the hay immediately.

Sarah and Brian under the marquee….

Celtic Frost-Dethroned Emperor
Audio Player

Celtic Frost-Ground
Audio Player
Celtic Frost-Innocence and Wrath
Audio Player
Celtic Frost-Eternal Summer
Audio Player

Bardo Pond – live in Fishtown

In a just world, Bardo Pond would be kings. That’s really all I can say.

Bardo with Jason K…..oofta.

After the show at the TLA, Quentin Stoltzfus and Joseph Siwinski came and fetched me from my hotel room to go see them at a new club in Fishtown. Of course, the fact that Jason Kourkonis is playing drums for them now only made me want to see them more.

It was rainy and cold outside, but Joseph called me a cab and entertained me while I waited to go back to the hotel. Now I’m off to eat pizza with Posehn. Whee.

Comedians of Comedy – Philly

A fun show. Fred Armisen performed instead of Eugene who was doing a benefit in NYC.

2 out of 5 ain’t bad….

Fred did 2 bits. One as Saddam Hussein and another as a Native American comedian. Both were incredible. After begging him, he’s agreed to come with us to Providence.

Fred as Saddam….

I think the wife and I are going to see Celtic Frost tomorrow with Posehn and Scott Ian. I don’t know why…..that’s just too surreal for words.

Yes, look who the wine is in memory of!

Comedians of Comedy – Washington

We drove straight from Chapel Hill to Patton’s parents house out near Reston and then went to the hotel. Had killer sushi (see previous post) that night and then hung out w/Brian in his hotel room watching stupid television and eating pizza.

Morgan and Eugene waiting outside the Palm, WDC.

The next day we met up with Patton’s parents and went to the Palm. Had a Gigi salad which I’d never heard of before and tons of lump crabmeat.

Patton and his parents. The Palm, WDC

The show was awesome as have all shows on this tour been. The owner of the Black Cat was in one of my favorite DC bands, Ignition, and was generous enough to give me a copy of their flexi-disc given out at their 100th show. I’m a lucky boy. Mad props to Paul, Ann, Dennis and Dante for a kick ass night. After the show, we piled into the van and drove to Philly so Brian could do radio in the morning. It was a rough drive. Didn’t get in until 6.

Sold out? Damn right! Every damn night.

Comedians of Comedy – day off

I’m not too keen on days off, but the comedians insist. Went and had snacks with Patton’s family in the VA ‘burbs, had killer sushi then went back to Brian’s room and watched 9/11 sentimental drivel for 2 hours.

on 17th and P St in Washington, DC

Comedians of Comedy – Chapel HIll

This show probably ranks up there with Chicago at Logan Square as one of the best the CoC have ever done. Apart from a shitty heckler during Morgan’s set, the crowd was in these guy’s hands. A fun show. Couldn’t ask for a more supportive crowd.

Timmy Von Trimble and The Kid…. Timmy opened

28 year old Timmy Von Trimble who is 1/2 inch tall opened. Check out The Best Show on WFMU to find out more.

disturbing, yet funny. Still about cats, so not funny.

Leaving Chapel Hill for Patton’s parents house.

Comedians of Comedy – Chapel Hill

Eugene with some gadget that records your voice for Valentine’s Day…..Very gay.

Yes, this is in the lobby of our hotel…..