Again, bear with us, but there’s just an awful lot to catch you guys up on! This, our first book, is the biggest news! The fine folks at Last Gasp put this sucker out last month and we couldn’t be happier! We have it for sale in our store, but you can also purchase it from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders and every decent indie record/book store you can think of. What’s that you say? You can’t find it at your local emporium? Well, let me know directly and I’ll sort it out.

Look at that beauty! Design by Scott Sosebee.
You might also want to know that I’ll be out "in the field" promoting the book this next month. You can see the tour dates over there on the right. The Southern tour is what’s looming on the horizon, but there’s also dates in the midwest and as-of-yet confirmed dates in Texas and the Pacific northwest. Want to help? Want to show me around town? Well, damn, get in touch, sucker!