I don’t know why it is, but I seem to buy as many singles as I do full lengths. It still always seems to be the first place to find out about new, fresh artists first.
Mayyors – Megan’s LOLZ (Gomerdome)
Wounded Lion – 7" (S-S)
Sic Alps – Unitled (Important)
Om – Gebel Barkal (Sub Pop Singles Club) [anybody possibly got a spare copy to sell?]
Nodzzz – I Don’t Wanna Smoke Marijuana (Make A Mess)
The Muslims – Parasites (I Hate Rock N Roll)
Obits – One Cross Apiece (Stint)
Double Negative – Raw Energy EP (Sorry State)
Los Llamarada – Against The Day (Avant!)
The Shitty Limits – Straight Forward (La Vida Es Un Mus Discos)
Carbonas – Euro Tour (Self Released)
FNU Ronnies – 7" (Richie)
Tyvek – Sidewalk (M’Lady)
Wooden Shjips – Vampire Blues (Sick Thirst)
Bukkake Boys – Splendid Thoughs (Vile Minds)
Talbot Tagora – Morning Secrets (Self Released)
Creston Spiers –Yesterday’s Parade (Southern Shelter)
Honorable 7" (or otherwise non-full length) mention:
AFCGT 10" (Dirt Knobby)
I’m sure a couple of these might’ve come out in 2007, but hey, cut me some slack. I don’t live in some cultural mecca like Park Slope or Berkeley, okay? I live in Georgia. Deal with it.
And while I’m at it talking about Georgia, a special round of applause to Douchemaster, Die Slaughterhaus and Rob’s House for releasing quality seven inch vinyl throughout 2008. In fact, I just got the latest stash of Rob’s House slop in today’s post and it’s already makin’ me a happy camper! (Note: Anything on HoZac from the past year also receives special mention.)
And one last note, the Spooks LP on Die Slaughterhaus has been in heavy rotation. It’s a pity it won’t actually see the light of day until 2009, but at the release party on Halloween, I nabbed a sleeve with a CD-R in it so technically, I can include it in this 2008 list…
In unrelated news, my good friend Joe Peery sent me a link to this woman who does really elaborate hair dressing to her full size poodle to which I say, simply, "whoa!"
And although it’s not my goal to make recent posts all about The Jesus Lizard (although I know a few won’t mind it), I will leave you with this very notable picture of Yow in Memphis. I wonder why that girl behind him is smiling…..